In the events industry, keeping track of equipment is a crucial part of event management. Two possible technologies for equipment tracking are QR scanning and RFID scanning, both of which use handheld scanners to gather data. In this blog post, we'll explore the pros and cons of each technology and offer some advice on how to choose between them for equipment tracking.

QR Scanning

QR codes are 2D barcodes that can be scanned by a handheld device with a camera. They can contain a range of information, from simple text to website links to contact details. In the events industry, QR codes are often used on equipment tags or labels, allowing event organizers to scan them quickly and efficiently.


  • Easy to set up: QR codes can be generated and printed quickly and easily, making them a convenient option for event organizers.
  • Affordable: QR codes are a cost-effective solution for equipment tracking, as they can be printed in-house and do not require any additional hardware.
  • User-friendly: Many people are familiar with QR codes and know how to scan them, so training staff on how to use handheld scanners for equipment tracking is often straightforward.
  • Versatile: QR codes can be used for a variety of purposes beyond equipment tracking, such as event ticketing and marketing.


  • Limited range: QR codes must be scanned up close, so they may not be the best choice for tracking equipment that is spread out over a large area.
  • Line of sight required: The scanner must have a clear line of sight to the QR code to scan it, which may be difficult if the code is on an awkwardly placed tag or label.
  • Vulnerable to damage: QR codes can be easily damaged or scratched, which can make them difficult or impossible to scan.

RFID Scanning

RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) tags are small, passive devices that emit a signal that can be picked up by a handheld scanner. In the events industry, RFID tags can be attached to equipment, allowing event organizers to track their movement and location.


  • Long-range: RFID scanners can pick up signals from a distance, making them a good choice for tracking equipment over a large area.
  • No line of sight required: The scanner does not need a clear line of sight to the RFID tag, so it can be used to track equipment that is hidden or obscured.
  • Durable: RFID tags are designed to withstand tough conditions, so they are less likely to be damaged or become unreadable over time.
  • Accurate: RFID scanners can detect tags with a high degree of accuracy, making it easy to track equipment movement in real-time.


  • Expensive: RFID technology is more expensive than QR scanning, as it requires specialized hardware and software.
  • Training required: Staff will need training on how to use RFID scanners effectively, as the technology can be more complex than QR scanning.

Choosing Between QR and RFID Scanning for Equipment Tracking

When choosing between QR scanning and RFID scanning for equipment tracking in the events industry, consider the size of the event, the equipment being tracked, and the resources available. QR scanning is a more affordable and user-friendly option for smaller companies or those with limited resources, while RFID scanning is more suitable for larger companies. Ultimately, the choice between the two technologies will depend on the specific needs and goals of the company.

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